Florida White (F+) Magic Mushrooms


Florida White Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis F+) is an uncommon strain found in the wild and then developed for commercial use in Florida by a man named Joshua. The original name F+ was not popular as the letter F is associated with “Failure” in North America. This did not keep the mycologists away; this strain is one of the favorites amongst experienced growers.

The Florida White (F+) shrooms can be easily distinguished by its mycelial spots on its golden caps. It is also often found with mycelial growth on the stems as well. This strain is an aggressive colonizer and known for its fast growth. The mushrooms are medium in size but it is important to note that they are very dense thus having a higher-than-average potency.

Our staff report above average potency which consisted of intense visuals and a decent body high. If you take a larger dose, you may feel your body numb out.

Buy the best Florida White F+ Shrooms in USA.

Buy More, Save More:

  • 1 gram = $12
  • 3.5 grams = $37
  • 7 grams = $65
  • 14 grams = $99
  • 28 grams = $169

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  • Free Expedited Shipping on orders over $99
  • We ship within USA only with tracking number
  • Discreet and vacuum sealed packaging for your privacy
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Buy Florida White (F+) Magic Mushrooms Online


Florida White Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis F+) is an uncommon strain found in the wild and then developed for commercial use in Florida by a man named Joshua. The original name F+ was not popular as the letter F is associated with “Failure” in North America. This did not keep the mycologists away; this strain is one of the favorites amongst experienced growers.

The Florida White (F+) shrooms can be easily distinguished by the mycelial spots on their golden caps. It is also often found with mycelial growth on the stems as well. This strain is an aggressive colonizer and is known for its fast growth. The mushrooms are medium in size but it is important to note that they are very dense thus having a higher-than-average potency.

Our staff report above-average potency which consisted of intense visuals and a decent body high. If you take a larger dose, you may feel your body numb out.

After 10-40 minutes of consuming Florida White magic mushrooms, you will feel your mood enhanced with euphoria and excitement. Depending on the dosage you will experience mild to intense visual enhancements. Things may seem like they are breathing, the nature around you will feel more alive and you will find yourself in introspective thought. Music and art will look and feel different and you will have a higher appreciation and you may relate the music or art to yourself on a more personal level. The most common museum dose (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should provide you with a 3-6 hour trip. Please read our FAQ section for more details.


1 gram, 14 grams, 28 grams, 3.5 grams, 7 grams


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